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Girlfriend Gets Last Laugh After Ex-Boyfriend Sends Dirty Snapchat of New GF

By 00:42:00

After a nasty break up this guy thought to get back at his ex-girlfriend he would send a snapchat of his new girl to his ex-girlfriend. His new girl is super smoking hot and he really thought it would make his jealous and piss her off.

He sent a picture of his new girl with large nice breast with the caption “not missing you one bit” but little did he know at that same exact time his ex-girlfriend was up to something similar. Without skipping a beat she sent this back.

As if a picture with her mouth full wasn’t a good enough come back she decided to bring his penis size into the equation. Every man is offended when when a woman makes jokes about his penis size.

One final parting snapchat with her breast pressed up again the shower window with a response to his snap “miss you? ha”.

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