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Porn Stars Give Five Reasons Why They Hate Fifty Shades Of Grey

By 19:54:00

I haven’t watched Fifty Shades Of Grey. I don’t want to. I considered it, but then these porn stars spoke and it really touched me in my, erm… heart…

If anybody is going to know a thing or two when it comes to a film about sex, porn stars are experts. Well, some of them.
Funny Or Die made this video with Nadia Styles, Nina Elle and Mercedes Carrera, asking them to give five insightful reasons why they hate Fifty Shades Of Grey. And to think people say we only want porn stars for their…

So there it is. If you want to watch people have sex, then watch porn, not Hollywood simulated shite. I’m sold.

Original Post Found here http://www.unilad.co.uk/nsfw/porn-stars-give-five-reasons-why-they-hate-fifty-shades-of-grey/

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