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Gym fanatic, 22, suffers a heart attack and nearly dies after taking steroids to bulk up quickly

By 21:05:00

Ryan Harriss was envious of the muscular bodies his gym friends had

 The labourer started taking anabolic steroids when he was just 22 

Noticing the results immediately, he began to use more than the dosage

 Seeing his arms, back and chest getting bigger was 'addictive', he says 

Six months later, while on a night out, he suffered chest pain and collapsed 

Doctors told him he'd had a heart attack and would die if he carried on

A gym fanatic suffered a near-fatal heart attack on a night out after becoming addicted to the effects of taking a cocktail of steroids. Ryan Harriss, from Harlow, Essex, collapsed on a night out with friends six months after first taking the performance-enhancing drugs. Once in hospital, doctors discovered the then 22-year-old's heart had swollen to the point it was much larger than normal, and his blood pressure had gone off the scale. They warned Mr Harriss he would die if he continued to place his heart under the strain of taking the drugs. There and then he vowed never to touch steroids again. Mr Harriss first began the drugs after seeing how well they had worked for friends he trained with at the gym. While he had been working hard, he wasn't seeing the same results as others. It was when friends told Mr Harriss that he would never achieve the results he wanted without the help of steroids, that he experimented for the first time. 'My metabolism is apparently really fast, so I shed weight really quickly and it makes it really hard to maintain muscle mass,' he said. 'There were guys around me who didn't seem to be trying as hard as me but were getting much better gains. 'I didn't even think about it. My next pay cheque that came in, I went to a friend of a friend and I ordered them in. 'For most of these guys, they suffered no problems at all.' After starting taking anabolic steroids, Mr Harriss admits he became addicted to how his body reacted. 'The difference was instant,' he told MailOnline. 'I started noticing the gains immediately. You are supposed to do steroids in courses, but I saw myself getting bigger and bigger. 'My arms toned up, my chest and back muscles were more defined and I went from a pretty average body to hench in a few weeks.' Determined to get bigger and bigger, he began to up the dosage.

Ryan Harriss, now 24, nearly died when he suffered a heart attack on a night out. He is pictured before he started using steroids

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