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Greece's radical new leader declares war on country's all-inclusive resorts visited by tens of thousands of Brits each year

By 22:26:00

PM Alexis Tsipras said all-in deals 'alienate tourists from local economy'

 He warned that contracts with large resort chains will be reviewed 

 He is understood to have already briefed major tourism operators on plans Estimated two million Brits who visit Greece a year already face a doubling of VAT on hotel rooms under previous government’s plans

Greece's new radical Prime Minister has declared war on the country's all-inclusive holiday resorts and vowed to limit them. All-you-can-eat breakfast buffets and unlimited cocktails and ouzo by the pool could become a thing of the past in Greece despite the all-inclusive travel industry, that brings in £1.5billion for the country. Alexis Tsipras, leader of the triumphant anti-bailout party Syriza, believes such deals 'alienate tourists from the local economy' by keeping them behind resort gates and away from local businesses and attractions. He has warned that contracts with large resort chains will be reviewed and deals to sell public land to developers could be reopened.

Former communist party youth activist Alexis Tsipras, whose Syriza coalition won 149 seats in Sunday’s election, is understood to have already briefed major tourism operators on his plans. He has insisted he will replace the all-in-one business with domestic tourism - a move described as 'suicide' for Greece by a tourism expert. Announcing his party’s policy last month, Tsipras promised to curb the type of mass tourism that Greece has developed over the last few decades. ‘We do not want to continue the current saturated model of intensive exploitation of tourism, which is already showing signs of fatigue,’ he said. ‘We don’t want to continue the tourism policy promoted by the [bailout] . . . of building all-inclusive units that to a large extent cut off local communities and their economy from the benefits of tourist demand.’


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