Albanian Police blocking drug lab bigest in Balkan
Elbasan - January 15, 2015
Albanian police blocking drug lab
The investigation started in Germany discovered a large organization of drug trafficking from Latin America activities in the Balkans and Western Europe. Among those arrested, the grandson of Enver Hoxha.
About 19.5 kilograms of pure cocaine and 20 kilograms of chemicals used in the mixture were seized by Albanian police in a massive operation near Elbasan operation code named "Xibraku".
"From the preliminary investigations show that it is a structured group with a criminal activity with international drug trafficking from Latin America to the Balkans and Western Europe destination," police said.
Police also confiscated 360 thousand euros as well as a cache of guns and ammunition. Among those arrested were two Colombian nationals, who, according to police, were experts employed by the organization to run drug lab.
"In order processing" professional "of the drug and its final preparation for market, criminal organizations engaged in recruiting and its composition, Colombian citizen like Football player, arrested in the operation," the police said.
Among those arrested criminal grouping that also Ermal Ilir Hoxha, 40 Year old, grandson of Stalinist dictator Enver Hoxha. His family issued a press release which stated that the arrest was politically motivated and that their son was innocent.
"The arrest of our son has just meant discrediting the name of Enver Hoxha," said the statement published by Panorama and is signed by Ilir Hoxha Teuta.
These are photos and of the laboratory and operation published by the State Police.