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Girl Shows Guys What Snapchats Really Mean, And They’re Not As Innocent As You Think

By 02:07:00

They say men are from Mars, women from Venus and after seeing these Snapchats, it is safe to say that is 100% right.

Some poor, unsuspecting guys will be looking at the left side of these pictures and thinking they are well in there with the rather easy on the eye Holly Carpenter, but as the Snapchatter showed, what a woman says and what she means are two VERY different things.

The captions on the left hand side are from the ‘original’ messages that she would send out, portraying her to be a fit, easy going girl who enjoys cooking and nights out with her friends, oh and posting pictures of bubble baths and when she is hungover. Pretty decent right? WRONG.

As Holly explains on the left hand side, what she says does not necessarily go with the image she is really trying to plant in the guy’s head and while most females out there will look at these pictures and smirk, knowing full well they’ve done at least half of these in the past, guys will probably now be reconsidering every single Instagram post, Snapchat and Tinder profile picture they’ve ever seen.

Holly was kind enough to enlighten the male population but at the end of the day, as long as they’re getting to see a picture of boobs or being led to mental images of her naked, who really gives a f*ck what the caption says?

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